Nice to meet you (Introduction)

Hello, this is Miyo from Tokyo.

I started this blog to introduce real interesting thing in Japan to all over the world in a friendly way.

I used to travel abroad a lot when I was a student.

Canada, U.S, Thai, U.K, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands, Belgium...
Visiting another country and touch the unique culture is so wonderful experience.

But sometime I always thought "It would be much more meaningful visit if I had a friend in this country who could explain the real information to us not the one from guidebook or tour guide."

From that experience I would like to be "your Japanese friend" on the web.

For non-Japanese who is planning to visit Japan, or already living in Japan, I hope those information could be useful for your stay.

Please enjoy my blog and your day in Japan!


NIMAMI said…
はじめまして みよさん。
マナサ です。よろしく おねがいします。
I have been living in Tokyo for ovr a year now. I just stumbled on your blog and was greatly amused at your so good writings in english!
Please carry on...would love to follow your blog too.

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