Hibiya Park - Cafe "Hibiya Saroh"

If you need to relax with green in the middle of Tokyo, HIBIYA PARK is the good one.

It's close to Ginza, next to the Emperial Palace. -->Location
Nearest station:Hibiya stn (Hibiya line)

I always go there by bicycle.
Cannot compare with Central Park in NY, but big enough and just peaceful place.

It is 1st Western-Japanese style park in Japan!

There are many nice spot inside the park - Historical western architecture(Hibiya Kokai-do), Restaurants, outdoor music hall, old library, tennis court, peaceful Japanese garden.

My most favourite spot in Hibiya park is "Hibiya Saryo" Cafe.

I love open-air cafe. This cafe is one of my favourite open-air cafe in Tokyo.

Many trees and flowers are around you.

With breezy freshness, you can have a beer and light foods.

You can totally forget you were such a crowded place Tokyo.

Address:〒100-0012, 1-1 Hibiya park, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel 03-3591-2411

OPEN: 11:30
Night:17:00-21:00(Closed in winter)

Reservation:Weekday after 17:00- only

Cafe menu
*Drink: 390yen~
*Draft: Beer 590yen~
*Small Food: 490yen~ (Fish&Chips 840yen)
Pet OK ;-)

Hibiya Saroh HP(JPN): http://www.hibiyasaroh.jp/


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