Tokyo-Midtown's Park

Tokyo Midtown has already became the face of Roppongi area.

It is beautiful complex architecture with restaurant, shops, residence area, also greatest hotel The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo.

But another great place of Mid-town is the garden.

As you know it is not easy to find large park in Tokyo.

Mid-town's park is so peaceful place in the city.

Surprisingly not many people are using the area, so this is great spot still.

I sometime go this park at lunch time with my colleague.

My office is so close to this park-so good to be relaxed there.

Bring some cotton rug and have a small picnic on the sunny day!


onepapercrane said…
Hello I am an international student currently living in Japan. I accidently came across your website. Your profile says you were born in 1797! WOW. I am amazed at how long you have lived but you don't look like obaasan ;-) I look forward to reading more about Japan on your blog. Arigato!
Miyo said…
Hi there, Thanks a lot for visiting here. Yeah I am 211years old, the world was good at that time...
No-! It should have been 1979.
But hopefully I will try keep doing this another 200 years ;-).